CJK Extension I question
jk at koremail.com
jk at koremail.com
Fri May 26 22:44:04 CDT 2023
Dear James
whilst in everyday life the simplified forms are usually used, there are
some cases where the traditional forms are used.
As to Ext I, this glyphwiki page
has quite a lot of useful analysis, including noting ⿰飠文 that is the
traditional form of 𲋢 U+322E2 (IRG source UK-10500).
On 2023-05-27 08:34, James Kass via Unicode wrote:
> On 2023-05-26 10:42 PM, James Kass via Unicode wrote:
>> A character from the beta review chart at:
>> https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/Unicode-15.1/U151-2EBF0.pdf
>> U+2EE31 ⿰馬匀
>> This character’s glyph shows the traditional horse radical rather than
>> the simplified. (馬/马) Since this is a submission from China, it was
>> surprising to see the traditional form used. Is this glyph correct?
> Looks as if there are several other places where traditional forms are
> used in Extension I, so the glyph is probably correct. My impression
> that China only uses simplified forms in new characters appears to be
> wrong.
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