Draft proposal: Old Polish nasal vowel letter

Daniel Buncic daniel.buncic at uni-koeln.de
Tue Jan 5 03:22:36 CST 2021

Am 04.01.2021 um 20:32 schrieb James Kass via Unicode:
> Moving the glyphs into the P.U.A. might be the most satisfactory
> approach for many of our colleagues.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.  I have taken the font off the web now.
As I said, I had really only put it online for the purpose of the
proposal, thinking that only promising to provide a font in due time
would not be enough.  Obviously that was a misunderstanding.

Best wishes,


Prof. Dr. Daniel Bunčić
Slavisches Institut der Universität zu Köln
Weyertal 137, D-50931 Köln
Telefon:       +49 (0)221  470-3355
Telefax:       +49 (0)221  470-5001
Sprechstunden: http://ukoeln.de/12FE3
Breslauer Straße 54, D-50321 Brühl
Telefon:       +49 (0)2232  150 42 80
E-Mail:        daniel at buncic.de
Homepage:      http://daniel.buncic.de/
Threema:       https://threema.id/8M375R5K
Skype:         danielbuncic
Academia:      http://uni-koeln.academia.edu/buncic

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