Mail archive link

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at
Mon Jul 20 10:14:07 CDT 2020

Doug Ewell via Unicode wrote in
 |Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |> The Mail Archive also mirrors/ed Unicode at
 |> But it stops in April?  I surely got Unicode messages thereafter,
 |> has it been actively unsubscribed?
 |I suggest, in all seriousness, that Ken or Rick or somebody compose \
 |a detailed FAQ about the Great Server Crash of 2020, something to which \
 |we can point curious people instead of pointing them to the new archive \
 |to hunt for clues. (Yes, there is a new archive: https://corp.unicode.or\

I surely can understand if an archive requires a login, looking at
my own tiny mailing-lists and the (spam) traffic that hits them.
It actully makes me even more thankful to be able to use those
wonderful public services like Gmane / Gmene / mail-archive which
also i use for many years.

 |Currently the only item on the web site about the Great Crash, other \
 |than the mail archive, is this quick note, written before the full \
 |scope of loss was known:
 |I was pretty sure someone had posted a lengthy, detailed description \
 |of what happened, but if it was on the mailing list I can't find it \
 |now, which is kind of my point.
 |Especially with the rollout of the new Unicode home page and the relegat\
 |ion of most non-marketing material to a "Technical Site," which occurred \
 |not very long before the Great Crash, it may be reasonable for some \
 |to assume (incorrectly) that changes to the mail archives or the loss \
 |of previously available material via FTP might have been caused by \
 |those intentional changes instead of the Great Crash.

Some subscribers seem to have been lost, or maybe they reject
.. but no, the list address is still the same and these services
subscribe and then just stay.  Maybe, nonetheless i mean, the server address?  I will ask the mail-archive
people about that, but i am not in the position to fill in the
missing messages, i do not archivy anything i receive.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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