Re: Origins of ⌚ U+231A WATCH and ⌛ U+231B HOURGLASS

Ken Whistler kenwhistler at
Wed Dec 30 19:50:23 CST 2020

Nope. Check their Age (see DerivedAge.txt in the UCD). Their Age is 1.1. 
And in fact, they go back even further -- they were published in Unicode 
1.0 in 1991. They predate the Japanese telcom vendor sets that were 
incorporated in Unicode 6.0 in 2010.

They were later mapped to KDDI and DoCoMo emoji in 2007 (see L2/07-257), 
so WATCH and HOURGLASS did exist in those sets, but that wasn't their 
original source for encoding in Unicode.

I don't think they were in XCCS (the Xerox character set) or in IBM 
sets. They might have been picked up as well-known computer interface 
symbols from the 80's.


On 12/30/2020 4:18 PM, abrahamgross--- via Unicode wrote:
> Id assume these emoji are from the original japanese set
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