A sign/abbreviation for "magister"

Janusz S. Bień via Unicode unicode at unicode.org
Sat Oct 27 06:10:20 CDT 2018


On the over 100 years old postcard


you can see 2 occurences of a symbol which is explicitely explained (in
Polish) as meaning "Magister".

First question is: how do you interpret the symbol? For me it is
definitely the capital M followed by the superscript "r" (written in an
old style no longer used in Poland), but there is something below the
superscript. It looks like a small "z", but such an interpretation
doesn't make sense for me.

The second question is: are you familiar with such or a similar symbol?
Have you ever seen it in print?

The third and the last question is: how to encode this symbol in

Best regards


Janusz S. Bien
emeryt (emeritus)

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