Fwd: Updated Japanese Legacy Standard? (was: Re: Romanized Singhala got great reception in Sri Lanka)

"Martin J. Dürst" duerst at it.aoyama.ac.jp
Fri Mar 28 05:40:37 CDT 2014

I got informed today by your IT Dept. that the mail below never went 
out. Resent herewith.    Martin.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Updated Japanese Legacy Standard? (was: Re: Romanized Singhala 
got great reception in Sri Lanka)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:32:15 +0900
From: "Martin J. Dürst" <duerst at it.aoyama.ac.jp>

On 2014/03/16 14:36, Philippe Verdy wrote:

> You may still want to promote it at some government or education
> institution, in order to promote it as a national standard, except that
> there's little change it will ever happen when all countries in ISO have
> stopoed working on standardization of new 8-bit encodings (only a few ones
> are maintained; but these are the most complex ones used in China and Japan.
> Well in fact only Japan now seens to be actively updating its legacy JIS
> standard; but only with the focus of converging it to use the UCS and solve
> ambiguities or solve some technical problems (e.g. with emojis used by
> mobile phone operators). Even China stopped updating its national standard
> by publishing a final mapping table to/from the full UCS (including for
> characters still not encoded in the UCS): this simplified the work because
> only one standard needs to be maintained instead of 2.

I'm not aware of any activity in Japan regarding the update of legacy
character encodings. Can you tell me what you mean by "actively updating"?

Regards,   Martin.

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