bh & bho macro relationship

Martin Hosken via CLDR-Users cldr-users at
Fri Mar 23 05:49:10 CDT 2018

Dear Mark,

That sort of makes sense. But here I am talking about entries in
languageAlias for macrolanguage folding. Where two different sublanguages
fold to the same macro language.


On Fri, 23 Mar 2018, 17:08 Mark Davis ☕️, <mark at> wrote:

> The likely subtags are built to allow a certain degree of flexibility for
> the implementations. That is, they don't normalize the source, but rather
> maintain the "denormalizations". The most prominent example is:
> <likelySubtag from="iw" to="iw_Hebr_IL"/>
> <!--{ Hebrew; ?; ? } => { Hebrew; Hebrew; Israel }-->
> <likelySubtag from="he" to="he_Hebr_IL"/>
> <!--{ Hebrew; ?; ? } => { Hebrew; Hebrew; Israel }-->
> Both are used, so that an implementation that uses 'iw' as the canonical
> form (eg Java) can still use the data. Now, we don't include all the
> possible denormalized forms, but we do include the ones that have in some
> way been used in that fashion.
> Most of the other data in CLDR doesn't have to have both forms, because it
> doesn't contain language tags both in the 'input' and the 'output'.
> Make sense?
> Mark
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 10:46 AM, Martin Hosken via CLDR-Users <
> cldr-users at> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> bho is a macro language to which bh maps. But bho has a likely subtags
>> entry of bho-Deva-IN, while bh has a likely subtags entry of bh-Kthi-IN. Is
>> this OK? It makes for interesting folding issues and could well get some
>> wrong results depending on how the tag to CLDR id works.
>> On that, if anyone is up for answering the en-US question, could they
>> then explain what happens to en-Latn-US through the same process.
>> TIA,
>> Yours,
>> Martin
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