Position of the registered sign

Asmus Freytag asmusf at ix.netcom.com
Mon Sep 16 12:58:01 CDT 2024

On 9/15/2024 1:19 PM, Sławomir Osipiuk via Unicode wrote:
>   I always assumed that ® should appear on the baseline, as should ©.

In the mail client I am using to view these messages, the monospaced 
font has a superscript form while the variable width font has what might 
be called  a "large" superscript form, or a "raised" form.

The latter might well be intended to represent a bit of a compromise, 
but it has the advantage that it makes the symbol more readable on 
screen. The superscript form in the monospaced font could almost be a 
circled dot or star when viewed at the default font size and I could not 
tell whether an R or P is intended.

The issue is that for cases where a larger font is used, that could 
become too prominent. The circled R, after all, is used like an 
annotation, and not as an abbreviation that may stand in for the word 
itself in the sentence as in many uses of the copyright symbol.

The annotation aspect is what makes me think that fonts that show the 
circled R on the baseline have got it wrong.

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