Position of the registered sign

Jonathan Rosenne jr at qsm.co.il
Sun Sep 15 16:43:00 CDT 2024

See the Chicago Manual of Style,

1.24: Copyright notice
The usual notice consists of three parts: the symbol ©, the first year the book is published, and the name of the copyright owner.

8.154: Trademarks
The advice in this section is intended for those who need to mention a trademarked name in text; it is not intended to guide usage by trademark holders themselves. Brand names that are trademarks—often so indicated in dictionaries—should be capitalized if they must be used. A better choice is to substitute a generic term when available. Although the symbols ® and ™ (for registered and unregistered trademarks, respectively) often accompany trademark names on product packaging and in promotional material, there is no legal requirement to use these symbols, and they should be omitted wherever possible.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Rosenne

-----Original Message-----
From: Unicode <unicode-bounces at corp.unicode.org> On Behalf Of S?awomir Osipiuk via Unicode
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2024 11:20 PM
To: Ivan Panchenko <ivanpan3 at gmail.com>
Cc: Unicode Discussion <unicode at corp.unicode.org>
Subject: Re: Position of the registered sign

While I have no formal expertise here, I always assumed that ® should appear on the baseline, as should ©. In fact I recall instances of seeing them used in close proximity, i.e. ©®. To have one be a superscript and one a baseline character would look ridiculous... except that I now find that a couple of the fonts on my system do just that.
This differs from ™, which, having no enclosure, must be somehow distinguished from TM in regular text.
The inconsistency, now that I'm aware of it, bothers me also. However, I feel the baseline glyph is the correct rendering and should prevail.

Sławomir Osipiuk

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