Ecma-48 proposed styling controls update updated & math expression representation proposal update

Alexander Lange alexander.lange at
Sun Jan 7 05:58:51 CST 2024


This only solves the problem of readability. It would still be harder to 
edit because you need a specialized keyboard layout and/or assistive 
technology for entering the new characters. Also remember that a Basic 
Latin letter needs 1 Byte in UTF-8 while a Plain 14 character needs 4, 
so for communication purposes you'll want to add some compression 
algorithm that both sides then need to implement.

And all of these things are just the workarounds needed to treat the 
disadvantages over Basic Latin based protocols. The main question is 
still: What is the benefit? What would be better?

Basic Latin based syntax has been working like a charm for decades now. 
I don't see any programmer switch from there to a more complicated 
system unless there is some serious advantage that I currently can't see.

Kind regards,
Alexander Lange

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