Zero-Width Joiner U+200D
Jukka K. Korpela
jukkakk at
Tue Feb 21 05:49:14 CST 2023
Asmus Freytag via Unicode (unicode at wrote:
Clearly one of the design features was to also support "didactic"
> formatting, that is, bracketing a character with joiners or non-joiners to
> be able to show positional forms in isolation.
If that was, and is, the intent, then the standard apparently should be
amended, adding such descriptions. At present, the description only deals
with the effect of ZWJ when it appears between two graphic characters, and
it is difficult to avoid the impression that in other contexts it should be
ignored. In any case, there is no requirement or recommendation or even
suggestion about its effect when used at the start of a string or at the
end of a string.
It would be simple to add a description like “surrounding a character with
ZWJ should lead to it being rendered with its medial form” (if the
character has such a representation form). What would be the way to achieve
initial or final form for a character presented in isolation?
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