what is the purpose of U+2012 ?

Jukka K. Korpela jukkakk at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 17:24:37 CST 2022

 Cristian Secară via Unicode <unicode at corp.unicode.org> wrote:

> I can not find a place that describes at least a generic purpose of the
> U+2012 (figure dash) character.

The Unicode Standard says, in chapter 6: “U+2012 figure dash has the same
(ambiguous) semantic as the U+002D hyphen-minus, but has the same width as
digits (if they are monospaced).”

So “figure” means “digit” here, and U+2012 is suitable for contexts where
data containing digits and dashes should be rendered so that a dash takes
the same width as a digit.

Yucca, https://jkorpela.fi

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