Tengwar on a general purpose translation site
David Starner
prosfilaes at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 19:52:29 CDT 2022
On Sun, Mar 13, 2022 at 6:03 AM Richard Wordingham via Unicode
<unicode at corp.unicode.org> wrote:
> The estate appears to be relying on copyright. That generally expires
> in 2044, on the 70th anniversary of Tolkien's death.
More than half the people in the world live in nations with differing
copyright terms, including the three biggest (China, India and the US)
and 12 out of the 20 biggest nations. China and many other nations are
life+50, so in 2024; India and Bangladesh are life+60, so 2034, and
the US is 95 years from publication*, so 2033 for anything in the
Hobbit to 2050 for Return of the King. Mexico is life+100, so it looks
like the Lord of the Rings will be under copyright there until 2074.
* Yes, it's more complex, but that's the applicable rule.
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