Unicode expert group for international text in source code

Tom Honermann tom at honermann.net
Thu Mar 3 15:53:00 CST 2022

Sorry for the noise, please disregard. This was not intended to be sent 
to the mailing list; I was foiled (again) by mailing list sender 
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On 3/3/22 4:24 PM, Tom Honermann via Unicode wrote:
> Hi, Mark and Markus.
> I received the announcement about the new Unicode group that will be 
> investigating problems and solutions relating to international text in 
> programming languages.
> I currently chair the ISO WG21 SG16 study group focused on C++ Unicode 
> and text programming. A subset of WG21 recently agreed to pursue 
> addressing "Trojan Source"-like problems within WG21; probably in the 
> form of a technical report. This was in response to a paper that was 
> submitted to WG21; P2528R0 (C++ Identifier Security using Unicode 
> Standard Annex 39) <https://wg21.link/p2528r0>. (The paper needs some 
> significant work before it will be ready for further review within 
> WG21; it is a difficult read at present). Thus, some subset of WG21 
> will be working on guidance and recommendations for C++ implementors 
> and I would like to ensure that such efforts are aligned with the new 
> Unicode group.
> Please let me know how I might apply to join the group and what 
> requirements or expectations might exist.
> Tom.
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