Difference between Klingon and Tengwar

Mark E. Shoulson mark at kli.org
Sun Sep 19 19:02:15 CDT 2021

On 9/19/21 11:13 AM, SÅ‚awomir Osipiuk via Unicode wrote:
> Additionally, the issue of "dignity" (or whatever one chooses to call
> it) is real. A script intended to aid the speakers of a natural
> language (especially a minority one), to preserve a centuries-old
> cultural history, or to assist people who cannot communicate via
> standard speech, will be seen as noble and positive. A script invented
> as part of a fictional work, and adopted only by eccentric fans of
> that work, will be seen generally as trivial and weird.

No disrespect intended to efforts to encode scripts for minority 
languages, nor do I mean to equate the "suffering" of Klingon fans with 
the needs of preserving real cultural identities.  But just because some 
people think it's weird or wrong isn't a reason not to do it, as we have 
seen numerous times with Unicode already. I've already quoted my 
conversation with someone who believes that emoji are "trivial and 
weird."  There are people out there who strongly disapprove of/hate 
Yezidis (ISIL disapproves them to death in large numbers), Muslims 
(there's plenty of Islamophobia still in the world), Christians (talk to 
ISIL again, or the Taliban), but we still encoded Yezidi, Arabic (and 
still adding bits and pieces of Qur'anic typography), and Latin (even 
special characters for one particular Christian religious tract (the 
Ormulum)).  Those people are haters and don't count?  All this is "no 
true Scotsman" argumentation: nobody "important" hates those people.

Your arguments would have rang just as true in the 1960s arguing against 
civil rights, because it makes people feel weird.  (Again, not trying to 
draw a comparison to our case, but to the similarity in the argument.)


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