Teletext separated mosaic graphics

Kent Karlsson kent.b.karlsson at
Tue Oct 13 12:21:35 CDT 2020

> 13 okt. 2020 kl. 19:06 skrev William_J_G Overington via Unicode <unicode at>:
> Kent Karlsson wrote:
> > That is out of the question for several reasons.
> So would you support the idea of having new characters encoded in plane 14 as I suggested in the following post?

Certainly not.

> >> I opine that these twenty-seven codes could be encoded within a block of 
> thirty-two code points as characters that display as visual glyphs in 
> most circumstances, yet are control codes in teletext apps.
> >> For example, Alphanumerics Green would have a visible glyph of an A 
> above a G on a pale.
> Does anybody support that idea please?

Definitely not.

/Kent K

> If enough of us each send an individual request to The Unicode Technical Committee then maybe progress can be made.
> William Overington
> Tuesday 13 October 2020

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