[off topic] Code2003 is a rip-off

James Kass jameskasskrv at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 18:23:30 CDT 2020

There's a font called Code2003 which is available for download on 
various web sites.  Most of its glyphs were stolen from my fonts 
Code2000 and Code2001.  Several ranges included in the font which were 
not covered by my fonts were likely stolen from elsewhere.  For example, 
for the range "Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs", its "developer" 
simply stole the glyphs from the Unicode chart for that range as found 
on the Unicode web site.  (Although some of those glyphs were modified 
by mirroring or slight rotation.  Please see attached graphic.)

The extended font information contained within Code2003 lists me as its 
developer and contains broken links to my old web site and e-mail 
address.  I am not affiliated with "St. Gigafont", I do not steal glyphs 
from the Unicode web site charts, and Code2003 is being distributed 
without my permission or authorization.

Some download web sites request donations.  Any donations are going to 
"St. Gigafont", not to me.

This e-mail is a "heads-up" both to other font developers whose work may 
have been stolen and to The Unicode Consortium itself because the PDF 
charts are copyrighted and may use copyrighted fonts. Please forward 
this e-mail to interested parties.

Best regards,

James Kass

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