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Johannes Bergerhausen via Unicode unicode at unicode.org
Thu Jan 17 01:54:27 CST 2019

Thanks for the input. I’ll discuss it with Deborah Anderson. We can make possible changes with the next update of the site to Unicode 12.

> Am 16.01.2019 um 18:38 schrieb Phake Nick <c933103 at gmail.com>:
> Feedback after briefly reading the East Asia section of the website:
> 1. I am pretty sure the "Kaida" script is not living anymore, according to Wikipedia description
> 2. Hentaigana refers to all alternative form of kana that're used before modern standardization, I don't think they're still used actively now.
> 3. The meaning of the "Old Hanzi" is not clear. If it is the same definition as the one stated in this blog: http://babelstone.blogspot.com/2007/07/old-hanzi.html <http://babelstone.blogspot.com/2007/07/old-hanzi.html> , then it is not referring to a single script and instead refer to all historical ways to write Hanzi, including Oracle Bone script, Bronze script, and (Small) Seal script and such. And the list have already separately include oracle bone script, bronze script and seal script, which apparently make this "old hanzi" entry redundant.
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