Uppercase ß

Werner LEMBERG via Unicode unicode at unicode.org
Tue May 29 04:17:53 CDT 2018

> When looking for the lowercase ß LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S U+00DF
> in a MacOS Character Viewer, it does not give the uppercase version,
> for some reason.

Yes, and it will stay so, AFAIK.  The uppercase variant of `ß' is
`SS'.  `ẞ' is to be used mainly for names that contain `ß', and which
must be printed uppercase, for example in passports.  Here the
distinction is important, cf.

  Strauß vs. Strauss  →  STRAUẞ vs. STRAUSS

Since uppercasing is not common in typesetting German text (in
particular headers), the need to make a distinction between words like
`Masse' (mass) and `Maße' (dimensions) if written uppercase is rarely
necessary because it can usually deduced by context.


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