Why so much emoji nonsense?

James Kass via Unicode unicode at unicode.org
Wed Feb 14 19:49:05 CST 2018

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 5:14 PM, David Starner <prosfilaes at gmail.com> wrote:

> They were units of things being interchanged in formats of MIME types
> starting with text/ . From the beginning, Unicode has supported all the
> cruft that's being interchanged in formats of MIME types starting with
> text/.

Yes, except that Unicode "supported" all manner of things being
interchanged by setting aside a range of code points for private use.
Which enabled certain cell phone companies to save some bandwidth by
assigning various popular in-line graphics to PUA code points.  The
"problem" was that these phone companies failed to get together on
those PUA code point assignments, so they could not exchange their
icons in a standard fashion between competing phone systems.  [Image
of the world's smallest violin playing.]

I've personally exchanged text data with others using the PUA for both
Klingon and Ewellic.  [winks]

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