Swapcase for Titlecase characters

Mark Davis ☕️ mark at macchiato.com
Fri Mar 18 15:23:20 CDT 2016

The 'swapcase' just sounds bizarre. What on earth is it for? My inclination
would be to just do the simplest possible implementation that has the
expected results for the 1:1 case pairs, and whatever falls out from the
algorithm for the others.


On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 4:11 AM, Asmus Freytag (t) <asmus-inc at ix.netcom.com>

> On 3/18/2016 12:33 PM, Marcel Schneider wrote:
> As about decomposing digraphs and ypogegrammeni to apply swapcase: That probably would be doing no good, as itʼs unnecessary and users wonʼt expect it.
> That was my intuition as well, but based on a different line of argument.
> If you add a feature to match behavior somewhere else, it rarely pays to
> make that perform "better", because it just means it's now different and no
> longer matches.
> The exception is a feature for which you can establish unambiguously that
> there is a metric of correctness or a widely (universally?) shared
> expectation by users as to the ideal behavior. In that case, being
> compatible with a broken feature (or a random implementation of one) may in
> fact be counter productive.
> The mere fact that you needed to ask here made me think that this would be
> unlikely to be one of those exceptions: because in that case, you would
> have easily be able to tap into a consensus that tells you what "better"
> means. (And it the feature would probably have been more widely
> implemented).
> This one is pretty bizarre on the face of it, but I like Marcel's
> suggestion as to its putative purpose.
> A./
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