Dark beer emoji

Garth Wallace gwalla at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 15:56:42 CDT 2015

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 12:13 PM, Marcel Schneider <charupdate at orange.fr> wrote:
> On 02 Sep 2015 at 20:07, Michael McGlothlin <mike.mcglothlin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> It should be applied to all emoji. Could be fun with the poo one.
>> >> On Sep 1, 2015, at 9:37 AM, Doug Ewell <doug at ewellic.org> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> As an alternative to this proposal that may provide more flexibility, I
>> >> propose adapting the Fitzpatrick skin-tone modifiers from U+1F3FB to
>> >> U+1F3FF to be valid for use following U+1F37A BEER MUG or U+1F37B
> With U+1F35E BREAD it will be particularly useful to denote completeness.
> Whole bread vs white bread -- and all crumb tone levels between.

TYPE 1-2: White bread
TYPE 3: Potato bread
TYPE 4: Whole wheat
TYPE 5: Multigrain
TYPE 6: Pumpernickel

But why stop there? They could also be applied to U+1F382 BIRTHDAY CAKE:

TYPE 1-2: Angel food
TYPE 3: Carrot cake
TYPE 4: German's chocolate
TYPE 5: Red velvet
TYPE 6: Devil's food

> Note: This isn't a mockery. I've thought at this when Asmus mentioned emoji
> for milk and bread:

How would the skin tone modifiers affect milk, I wonder? There's
chocolate milk, sure, but shades? Would one of them be strawberry

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