Usage stats?
Michael Norton
michaelanortonster at
Fri Mar 27 16:23:11 CDT 2015
I'm trying to get a sense of the range and variance of the Unicode set in
the same way I have with hypertext on the web: for every HTML or XHTML
document URL, for example ,there is going to be a* >0* Minimum of* "<"* and*
">"* characters. Depending on which Markup set and schema(s) you are
using, char-MIN's and (eventually) char-MAX's are useful to have.
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 5:03 PM, Michael Norton <
michaelanortonster at> wrote:
> Doug Ewell's getting it. He sent this back to me, so I asked him if he
> could provide the same dataset drawn from his written reply to me:
> * For example, your original e-mail (327characters) consists of:U+0020 -
> 14.07%U+0065 - 10.09%U+0061 - 7.03%U+0074 - 6.73%U+006F - 5.81%*
> This is good because when the volumes of traffic begin to exponentially
> increase over a space, if there are predominant formulations of Unicode for
> each, they need to be recognized for a number of reasons depending on which
> sector or, as you say, corpus, you're in.
> In the above example, I think it's safe to say U+0020 online, though I
> would like to compare with the other 30 "space" characters you mentioned
> Markus. If I know traffic figures for where the other space characters
> are used, I can draw a pretty good estimation and correlation of it.
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 4:56 PM, Markus Scherer < at>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 1:27 PM, Michael Norton <
>> michaelanortonster at> wrote:
>>> Easy example: what's the code for [blank space] U+020 across all
>>> language sets of Unicode? Is it the same ie: 100%?
>> I don't understand what you are asking, and I have a hunch you haven't
>> said it in a way that anyone else understands it either.
>> The code point value that the Unicode Standard assigns to the normal
>> space is U+0020, but
>> - not every language uses spaces
>> - not every language that uses spaces uses them for the same purpose as
>> English
>> - there are some 30 other "space" characters in Unicode
>> Statistics of character frequencies vary by corpus, as others have said.
>> Even if you "only" look "on the web", that's undefined until you specify a
>> crawling strategy. Dynamically generated content means that there is an
>> infinite number of "web pages". Every crawler will come up with a different
>> set.
>> Maybe you are asking about statistics of character encodings? On the web?
>> Such as, Unicode vs. Shift-JIS vs. ISO 8859-2 etc.?
>> markus
> --
> Michael A. Norton, B.A. Cinema, M.P.A.
> My Cinema Home:
> "All great actors are mere mathematical masters of speech and the human
> body."
Michael A. Norton, B.A. Cinema, M.P.A.
My Cinema Home:
"All great actors are mere mathematical masters of speech and the human
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