Emoji [And crash in the Web interface to the mailing list]
Buck Golemon
buck at yelp.com
Thu Apr 3 18:16:39 CDT 2014
I too received the intended emoji via direct email but I see the garbled
characters in the web interface:
ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ - worried
ヾ(@゜▽゜@)ノ - happy
ヽ(#`Д´)ノ - angry
【・_・?】- confused
I believe there is an encoding issue somewhere in the
On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 12:25 AM, Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> But then why did I these emoticons (using "ASCII art" with additional CJK
> characters) correctly from the same mailing list ?
> I did not see any dot, or squares for PUA, but the stars, triangle and
> some kanas.
> I don't think that the mailing list itself is broken (or may be Gmail
> corrected things after).
> You cannot always predict the encoding used by the effective sending
> mailing agent (or the first reaying agent). Even Gmail will try to fit the
> "best" (popular) legacy 8-bit encoding according to content and the
> recipient (where it will try to geolocalize the target domain name, or use
> its own knowledge of the languages and encodings most often used by senders
> in that domain), instead of always sending with UTF-8, when the default
> user settings are for using a "default" encoding if the user had not
> specified that the mail would be forced to UTF-8.
> 2014-04-03 5:18 GMT+02:00 Doug Ewell <doug at ewellic.org>:
> It's really quite simple: Sending e-mails in ISO-2022-JP to the Unicode
>> mailing list causes problems.
>> ��
>> --
>> Doug Ewell | Thornton, CO, USA
>> http://ewellic.org | @DougEwell
>> ------------------------------
>> From: Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr>
>> Sent: 4/2/2014 20:51
>> To: Doug Ewell <doug at ewellic.org>
>> Cc: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse at ilyaz.org>; Unicode Mailing List<unicode at unicode.org>
>> Subject: Re: Emoji [And crash in the Web interface to the mailing list]
>> There was no such browser bug in my Chrome install GChrome (in
>> Gmail)which rendered the full string correctly (no dots, all characters
>> displayed properly).
>> So this looks like a Firefox bug. There's a rendering problem in IE, but
>> no such critical bug that breaks the rest of the page. It looks like a
>> problem of transcoding of emails by browsers (in Gmail, the transcoding to
>> UTF-8 is performed apparently by the web server, so Firefox does not break
>> when rendering the Gmail page).
>> It is posible that what is really broken is in fact another webmail
>> interface that incorrectly transcodes the email to UTF-8. I cannot know if
>> the broken rendering was performed on everyone's client, if he use a
>> webmail or standalone email agent. Many webmail services are broken in how
>> they transcode the mails received in order to embed its content in a UTF-8
>> web page.
>> 2014-04-02 22:31 GMT+02:00 Doug Ewell <doug at ewellic.org>:
>>> Sorry, this was my mistake. IE8 on Windows 7 displayed James's "angry"
>>> line like this:
>>> ヾ(@゜・・・・逅察・・縫吏・€ォ€趁占コ碣€ュ処腫徐ぢヽ(#`Д´)ノ
>>> - angry
>>> The only "private-use" character was something that got transcoded to
>>> U+E559, and IE8 displayed that as a space, not a dot. But a quick look
>>> at the ISO-2022-JP source shows this isn't right at all. So I guess I
>>> did have trouble viewing it, maybe not a crash, but severe mojibake.
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