Emoji [And crash in the Web interface to the mailing list]
Doug Ewell
doug at ewellic.org
Wed Apr 2 15:31:04 CDT 2014
Ilya Zakharevich <nospam hyphen abuse at ilyaz dot org> wrote:
>> although of course the private-use characters showed up as
>> dots instead of whatever they were supposed to be.
> Private-use?! The page is in iso-2022-jp! Anyway, why would
> private-use show as dots in browsers? If it is defined somewhere in
> the places the browser looks at, it will be shown THAT way; otherwise
> the browser’s last-resort would hit (which I never saw to be dots; HEX
> in Firefox; “non-squares” ;-] in Chrome).
Sorry, this was my mistake. IE8 on Windows 7 displayed James's "angry"
line like this:
- angry
The only "private-use" character was something that got transcoded to
U+E559, and IE8 displayed that as a space, not a dot. But a quick look
at the ISO-2022-JP source shows this isn't right at all. So I guess I
did have trouble viewing it, maybe not a crash, but severe mojibake.
Doug Ewell | Thornton, CO, USA
http://ewellic.org | @DougEwell
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