Looking for Filter Syntax to Include a Transform Variant Attribute

Daniel Yacob yacob at geez.org
Wed Dec 1 17:53:44 CST 2021

Greetings All,

I'm seeking some help with the syntax for a transform filter identifier
that includes a variant.  Given the regular “source” and “target”
attributes in an LDML transform file, a filter rule would take the form:

:: source-target ;

For a transform that also has a “variant” attribute defined, how is the
variant identifier expressed in the filter?  I’ve tried a few forms like

:: source-target-variant ;
:: source-target_variant ;
:: source-target/variant ;

but they have all been rejected by the TestTransforms unit tests with
“Illegal ID” exceptions. Apologies if I’m overlooking this in the
documentation.  If this is indeed a gap, Section 10.3.8 of the TR35 on
"Filter Rules" would benefit from a variant example.


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