Support of Old Church Slavic language sublocale in CLDR

Richard Wordingham via CLDR-Users cldr-users at
Fri Mar 30 21:09:23 CDT 2018

On Mon, 26 Mar 2018 12:16:37 +0200
Mark Davis ☕️ via CLDR-Users <cldr-users at> wrote:
> While it is possible from someone to propose adding an ancient
> language (as per
>, I do think the
> utility would be extremely limited. As with all other languages, we
> would need a commitment to add the minimal data.

One serious use in some cases is in line and word breaking.  Or am I
overlooking a special tag for whether the language is effectively
scriptio continua or not?  One feature I have noticed is that in
modern usage Pali has a strong tendency to have words separated by
spaces or other punctuation in the Thai and Tai Tham scripts.

CLDR seems strongly geared to languages used for man-machine
interfaces, but they are not the only ones that would benefit from CLDR
support.  CLDR contains data for text layout as well as date formats
and data for pick-lists.


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