en_GB.xml Gregorian Date Formats

George S. via CLDR-Users cldr-users at unicode.org
Fri Mar 16 18:19:45 CDT 2018

On 3/16/2018 5:11 PM, Steven R. Loomis wrote:
> This exactly - it is designed for maintaining the data, and it is a 
> lot of data.  So how can we improve things, given these different 
> design goals?
>   And anyway, en-GB.xml shouldn’t be your workflow, it should be the 
> fully resolved contents plus all metadata.   We have tools to generate 
> a fully resolved XML file, would that be of interest?

If you could direct me to those tools I would really appreciate that.

If I could get fully resolved files, that would meet my needs well.

George S.
*MH Software, Inc.*
Voice: 303 438 9585
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