en_GB.xml Gregorian Date Formats

Steven R. Loomis via CLDR-Users cldr-users at unicode.org
Fri Mar 16 18:11:09 CDT 2018

El El jue, mar. 15, 2018 a las 1:35 p. m., George S. via CLDR-Users <
cldr-users at unicode.org> escribió:

> On 3/14/2018 5:04 PM, Steven R. Loomis via CLDR-Users wrote:
> You're quoting from
> https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35.html#Parent_Locales
> ...
> I think the point of the quote is that the "parent locale" is structural
> and not part of the identity of the specific xml file.
> I can think of few things more structural than where does this locale's
> defaults originate from. Without that identity, the child file's definition
> is incomplete. Placing the relationship data in another file in a different
> directory entirely requires novices like myself to do a tremendous amount
> of research to understand what's going on. Even though the maintainers may
> have had really excellent reasons for this structure, from the developer
> standpoint it's not sensible.

The design goal has always been for simplifying maintainance of the
repository, and stability for the consumers (including yourself) over ease
or simplicity of implementation.

That said, perhaps a *comment* could be generated in this specific case,
based on the parentLocale data, when the CLDRFile is written out.  If this
is a common concern, a comment might make it easier for readers.

> If you look at the parent locales in supplemental, they are organized from
> the point of view of the parent, for setting "which locales inherit from
> en-150?"
> As a developer, that uses LDML files, I can absolutely guarantee you that
> I will NEVER ask that question. en-150 is a synthetic thing you folks
> created to organize data. It's just not related to my workflow. en-GB is my
> workflow. As a maintainer of the data, perhaps that's useful for you.

This exactly - it is designed for maintaining the data, and it is a lot of
data.  So how can we improve things, given these different design goals?
  And anyway, en-GB.xml shouldn’t be your workflow, it should be the fully
resolved contents plus all metadata.   We have tools to generate a fully
resolved XML file, would that be of interest?

> Parsing the supplementalData is critical to processing CLDR data.
> That's true because of design decisions that were made by the maintainers.
> It's not the only possible solution, and I don't think from the consumer
> (developer) standpoint, it's even remotely the best. But, these are my
> opinions and are generally uninformed and only accurate from my point of
> view.

JSON data for example is pre-resolved.  Perhaps there should be another
layer  in between the maintenance and the consumption of the data?  CLDR
has various converters to different formats.

I don’t see how changing the inheritance structure would be a net benefit-
it would break all existing consumers of the data (of which there are
many). Surely there is a better solution?

The CLDR Java tooling is available in the source repository, it could be a
> source of comparison for file handling.
> Steven
> <parentLocales>
> <parentLocale parent="root" locales="az_Arab az_Cyrl bm_Nkoo bs_Cyrl
> en_Dsrt en_Shaw ha_Arab iu_Latn mn_Mong ms_Arab pa_Arab shi_Latn sr_Latn
> uz_Arab uz_Cyrl vai_Latn zh_Hant yue_Hans"/>
> <parentLocale parent="en_001" locales="en_150 en_AG en_AI en_AU en_BB
> en_BE en_BM en_BS en_BW en_BZ en_CA en_CC en_CK en_CM en_CX en_CY en_DG
> en_DM en_ER en_FJ en_FK en_FM en_GB en_GD en_GG en_GH en_GI en_GM en_GY
> en_HK en_IE en_IL en_IM en_IN en_IO en_JE en_JM en_KE en_KI en_KN en_KY
> en_LC en_LR en_LS en_MG en_MO en_MS en_MT en_MU en_MW en_MY en_NA en_NF
> en_NG en_NR en_NU en_NZ en_PG en_PH en_PK en_PN en_PW en_RW en_SB en_SC
> en_SD en_SG en_SH en_SL en_SS en_SX en_SZ en_TC en_TK en_TO en_TT en_TV
> en_TZ en_UG en_VC en_VG en_VU en_WS en_ZA en_ZM en_ZW"/>
> <parentLocale parent="en_150" locales="en_AT en_CH en_DE en_DK en_FI en_NL
> en_SE en_SI"/>
> <parentLocale parent="es_419" locales="es_AR es_BO es_BR es_BZ es_CL es_CO
> es_CR es_CU es_DO es_EC es_GT es_HN es_MX es_NI es_PA es_PE es_PR es_PY
> es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE"/>
> <parentLocale parent="pt_PT" locales="pt_AO pt_CH pt_CV pt_GQ pt_GW pt_LU
> pt_MO pt_MZ pt_ST pt_TL"/>
> <parentLocale parent="zh_Hant_HK" locales="zh_Hant_MO"/>
> </parentLocales>
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 2:47 PM, George S. via CLDR-Users <
> cldr-users at unicode.org> wrote:
>> Personally, I find the reasoning to be circular:
>> "Since parentLocale information is not localizable on a per locale basis,
>> the parentLocale information is contained in CLDR’s supplemental data."
>> <http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-info.html>
>> There are many things in the locale files that are not strictly
>> localizable. Here's an example:
>> <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow">
>> saying you're not going to put the parent locale in because it's not
>> localizable is kind of silly when you have lot's of data in the file that's
>> not localizable.
>> I'm suggesting:
>> <identity>
>>     <version number="$Revision: 13722 $"/>
>>     <language type="en"/>
>>     <territory type="GB"/>
>>     <parent locale="en_001"/></identity>
>> But it's your guys' project.
>> On 3/14/2018 3:26 PM, Steven R. Loomis wrote:
>> George,
>> > It would be nice if the en_GB.xml file referenced it's parent
>> I appreciate the idea, however, the XML files are not designed to
>> be looked at in isolation. That's why we put this notice at the top:
>> " CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (
>> http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) "
>> Is there a better way to word this?
>> Please also see the Implementer's guide and FAQ at
>> https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr-implementers-guide/  - if you think
>> this would be a good FAQ can you open an issue, or better yet a pull
>> request there?
>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 1:57 PM, George S. via CLDR-Users <
>> cldr-users at unicode.org> wrote:
>>> Thanks for responding. I knew I'd gone down this road before. Drat.
>>> I'll make the same comment I made three years ago:
>>> It would be nice if the en_GB.xml file referenced it's parent so that
>>> mortals might have some idea of where to look. Having the relationship
>>> squirreled away in a file in another directory with a non-obvious name
>>> isn't very handy.
>>> On 3/14/2018 2:38 PM, Peter Edberg wrote:
>>> en_GB inherits from en_001, not from en.
>>> - Peter E
>>> On Mar 14, 2018, at 12:48 PM, George S. via CLDR-Users <
>>> cldr-users at unicode.org> wrote:
>>> I'm looking at the file comm/main/en_GB.xml and I'm really confused. I'm
>>> looking at the Gregorian calendar section, and there's no
>>> dateFormats / dateFormatLength=short
>>> the value in en.xml is
>>> M/d/yy
>>> If I look at en_AU.xml there is an entry with a value of "d/M/yy".
>>> Similarly, en_IE.xml there is no short dateFormatLength value.
>>> Can anyone help me understand how this all works? I'm using a library
>>> that generates it's localization files from LDML, and it's coming up with a
>>> lot of wrong answers. Before I go to them, I'd like to understand why
>>> things are formatted in this way.
>>> --
>>> George S.
>>> *MH Software, Inc.*
>>> Voice: 303 438 9585 <%28303%29%20438-9585>
>>> http://www.mhsoftware.com
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> CLDR-Users mailing list
>>> CLDR-Users at unicode.org
>>> http://unicode.org/mailman/listinfo/cldr-users
>>> --
>>> George S.
>>> *MH Software, Inc.*
>>> Voice: 303 438 9585 <%28303%29%20438-9585>
>>> http://www.mhsoftware.com
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> CLDR-Users mailing list
>>> CLDR-Users at unicode.org
>>> http://unicode.org/mailman/listinfo/cldr-users
>> --
>> George S.
>> *MH Software, Inc.*
>> Voice: 303 438 9585 <%28303%29%20438-9585>
>> http://www.mhsoftware.com
>> _______________________________________________
>> CLDR-Users mailing list
>> CLDR-Users at unicode.org
>> http://unicode.org/mailman/listinfo/cldr-users
> _______________________________________________
> CLDR-Users mailing listCLDR-Users at unicode.orghttp://unicode.org/mailman/listinfo/cldr-users
> --
> George S.
> *MH Software, Inc.*
> Voice: 303 438 9585
> http://www.mhsoftware.com
> _______________________________________________
> CLDR-Users mailing list
> CLDR-Users at unicode.org
> http://unicode.org/mailman/listinfo/cldr-users
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