Minifying CLDR sources

Marcel Schneider via CLDR-Users cldr-users at
Tue Dec 11 10:54:48 CST 2018

On 01/12/2018 14:59, Marcel Schneider via CLDR-Users wrote:
> Given that minifying the files is an interesting issue, one might wish to go even a step further by collapsing
> the element of the keywords and the element of the short name.
> After collapsing:
> <annotation cp="��" sna="peau claire">peau | peau claire</annotation>

Turns out that was how the data was stored at release 27 (first annotations/ subdirectory):

<!-- GRINNING FACE; face; grin -->
<annotation cp='[��]' tts='sourire' draft='provisional'>sourire; drôle</annotation>

That must have been so impractical that it was decided to modify the schema for release 30:

<!-- 1F600 grinning face; face; grin -->
<annotation cp="��">sourire</annotation>
<annotation cp="��" type="tts">grand sourire</annotation>

That is how the emoji annotation data is stored today.

Best regards,


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