"Svalbard" and "Jan Mayen" subdivisions of Norway

Philippe Verdy verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Wed Nov 18 18:16:09 CST 2015

Similar issue for Clipperton Island (CP reserved on ISO3166-1) whis is also
an overseas dependencies and a subdivision of France (FR-CP assigned in
Both codes are listed but still not as equivalent aliases.

Note aldo that in France some métropolitain régions will merge from 22 to
13 (several régions will not ne affectés, notably Britanny, Pays de la
Loire, Île-de-France and Corsica). Their new names are still not décider
formally but their composition is known. These names will be decided by the
new regional assemblies elected next month, following after the ongoing
public consultation (only zone région whose composition was not changés had
its name changer and already effective) Their new codes in ISO 3166-2 is
not decided.

However one current région is already special because one of its
départements was split in two separate parts: the Métropole de Lyon with a
special status, and the new smaller département of Rhône. Their union is no
longer a departement but a special entity without local gouvernement, the
"Circonscription départementale du Rhône" (only used for the
state-controled "préfecture" which supervizes the two entities and provides
some state-controled functions, not for any local government or elected
body, and still using the former department code "69" for both entities,
i.e. FR-69 in ISO3166-2). Currently, ISO 3166-2 has not changed, so the
code listed for Rhône still designates this former union, but with an
unqualified name now ambiguous, and no code is listed for the two newer
local subdivisions.

Note also that postal codes will not change and will remain "69???" (this
is already the case anyway since long with two separate departments in
Corsica, coded "2A" and "2B" but still sharing the prefix "20" for the
5-digit postal codes); anyway postal codes are not relevant in ISO3166-2
where "FR-20" is also not used, Corsica as a whole using a 1-letter region
code like other metropolitan regions.

2015-11-09 1:05 GMT+01:00 Mats Blakstad <mats.gbproject at gmail.com>:

> Check out this page. Some subdivisions, like "Hong Kong" also have a
> territory code. They are marked, like CN-91 = HK (Hong Kong SAR China):
> http://www.unicode.org/cldr
> /charts/latest/supplemental/territory_subdivisions.html
> However, I can't find this type of mapping in the cldr core, are they
> there? If not it would be great to have them there!
> I noticed that Norway have "Svalbard" and "Jan Mayen" listed as
> subdivisions. They also have their own territory codes, but this is not
> marked on the page i linked to.
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