LDML data for en_IE
Philippe Verdy
verdy_p at wanadoo.fr
Sat Feb 14 09:23:02 CST 2015
Some other examples with "'confirmed' (default status) inheritances :
- in the "en" locale:
<use status="confirmed" fromLocale="root" />
or equivalently:
<use fromLocale="root" />
(we don't need the default inheritance but if for completeness we want
it, add:
<use status="default" fromLocale="root" />
- in the "en-UM" locale (spoecialization for Minor Outlying Islands of the
United States):
<use status="confirmed" fromLocale="en-US" />
(you'll need very few exceptions most possibly only for applicable
or for the ITU international region selection code for phone, and phone
number format,
but "en-US" itself des not have a single timezone)
2015-02-14 16:11 GMT+01:00 Philippe Verdy <verdy_p at wanadoo.fr>:
> The custom inheritance of "en-IE" from "en-GB" instead of "en", is a bit
> questionable
> It may look convenint only for the current needs within CLDR data itelf,
> but it is an exception to the default inheritance from "en" that one would
> expect for more general data.
> I fear that inserting the inheritance of "en-IE" first via "en-GB" before
> "en", this could generate unexpected issues in other applications that have
> highly customized their own "en-GB" data (outside CLDR data) in a way not
> compatible with "en-IE".
> If there a way in CLDR data to indicate that this custom inheritance is
> purely internal to CLDR data and that it does not apply as a standard for
> all kind of data that applications could need to remain separated for
> "en-GB" and "en-IE" (as described and assumed *by default* in standard
> BCP.47 fallback resolution mechanism)
> If there's no way to indicate that this is a purely internal inheritance
> for CLDR data itsefl, we should better duplicate the necessary data entries
> from "en-GB" into "en-IE" and maintain them separately (both witll still
> inherit by default from 'en", and "en" itself from "root"). This is safer
> for longer term maintenance even if there is some data duplication (but
> most duplication is already avoided by the data already inherited by
> "en-GB" from "en" and by the data inherited by "en" from "root").
> At least, the duplication also allows saying that instead of being
> inherited (so with a local draft status), that data is "confirmed" in that
> locale (but instead of duplicating the data value, we would just insert the
> entry needed only to confirm that the value in that specialization comes
> from another referenced locale).
> So in the top level element of the "en-IE" locale:
> <use status="default" fromLocale="en" />
> <use status="draft" fromLocale="en-GB" />
> and for a specific entry:
> <dateFormatLength type="short">
> <dateFormat status="default" fromLocale="en" />
> <dateFormat status="draft" fromLocale="en-GB" />
> <dateFormat status="unconfirmed">
> <pattern>M/d/yy</pattern>
> </dateFormat>
> </dateFormatLength>
> Or something similar (for completeness only, I added above the entries for
> status="default" but it should be implicit with BCP47 rules and is not
> really needed).
> The idea being to be able to track with high level of granualrity (not
> just for the whole locale) the confirmation status and maintain alternate
> proposals in "unconfirmed" status than the one with "draft" status (still
> not confirmed formally but having the best votes for now : applications may
> decide to discard "unconfirmed" entries, or could use it only as alternate
> solutions when there's no succes with normal entries with implicit cofirmed
> status or with default status, for example when trying to parse dates with
> a lenient parser; a strict date input parser would always reject input not
> matching the implicit "confirmed" format or the "default" format).
> 2015-02-06 17:21 GMT+01:00 George Sexton <georges at mhsoftware.com>:
>> On 2/6/2015 8:59 AM, Rafael Xavier wrote:
>> Thus the value would come from en.xml, which would be:
>> Shouldn't it be en_GB.xml, which is its parent locale?
>> Gosh, I looked through the en_IE.xml file and there's no parentLocale
>> element in the file? Surely, the standard is better than to have some
>> useful inheritance data that's required squirreled away in some uselessly
>> named file like "supplementalData.xml" in an entirely different directory.
>> Seriously, parentLocale should be part of the identity block in the
>> common/main/ll_CC.xml file. Not having it there is silly.
>> However, it would appear you're right.
>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 12:26 AM, George Sexton <georges at mhsoftware.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm looking at the LDML data for common/main/en_IE.xml. In this file,
>>> in the gregorian section there is only a full date format entry.
>>> As documented somewhat ironically in section 4 of Unicode Technical
>>> Standard #35 Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML), a lookup for
>>> dateFormatLength short should follow inheritance. Thus the value would come
>>> from en.xml, which would be:
>>> <dateFormatLength type="short">
>>> <dateFormat> <pattern>M/d/yy</pattern>
>>> </dateFormat></dateFormatLength>
>>> However examining the JSON file of cldr data,
>>> main/en-IE/ca-gregorian.js, it contains:
>>> "short": "dd/MM/y"
>>> I've also had a person who is a native of that country inform me that
>>> M/d/yy is not correct.
>>> Can someone help me understand why the LDML data implicitly contains (to
>>> my understanding) an incorrect definition of the short date format for the
>>> en-IE locale?
>>> --
>>> George Sexton
>>> *MH Software, Inc.*
>>> Voice: 303 438 9585
>>> http://www.mhsoftware.com
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>> +55 (16) 98138-1582, +1 (415) 568-5854, skype: rxaviers
>> http://rafael.xavier.blog.br
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>> --
>> George Sexton
>> *MH Software, Inc.*
>> Voice: 303 438 9585
>> http://www.mhsoftware.com
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