Should yeartype be a distinguishing attribute?

Philippe Verdy verdy_p at
Thu May 15 13:45:56 CDT 2014

The problem is that the "year type" is the same during the two distinct
month Adar and Adar II because they occur in the *same year*:
for me it should better be <month type="7.5"> or "7b" to exhivit that it is
effectively a distinct month, if you don't want to change the month
numbering after it

The alternative being to only include "Adar" as a single month, and
adjusting this in the day number. Or create a separate field between the
month and the day number, for the occurence number (empty, 1, or 2): in
most calendars and most months of calendars needing it, this field will
have an empty value.

2014-05-15 19:49 GMT+02:00 Jon Skeet <skeet at>:

> I'm fairly new to CLDR and LDML in general, but I'm investigating the
> Hebrew calendar for the sake of interest.
> My understanding is that any attribute not mentioned in any
> distinguishingItems element is *not* distinguishing. Therefore, in
> CLDRv25, yeartype is not a distinguishing attribute.
> However, given its *usage*, I'd expect it to be a distinguishing
> attribute. For example, in root.xml, under
> //ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type='hebrew']/months/monthContext[@type='format']/monthWidth[@type='wide']
> we have:
> <month type="7">Adar</month>
> <month type="7" yeartype="leap">Adar II</month>
> If yeartype is non-distinguishing, that would lead to two values with the
> same element chain, which is forbidden.
> Please could someone enlighten me as to whether this is a data problem
> (e.g. fixed by adding yeartype to the list of distinguishing attributes) or
> a problem with my understanding of distinguishing attributes?
> Many thanks,
> Jon Skeet
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