Should yeartype be a distinguishing attribute?

Jon Skeet skeet at
Thu May 15 12:49:52 CDT 2014

I'm fairly new to CLDR and LDML in general, but I'm investigating the
Hebrew calendar for the sake of interest.

My understanding is that any attribute not mentioned in any
distinguishingItems element is *not* distinguishing. Therefore, in CLDRv25,
yeartype is not a distinguishing attribute.

However, given its *usage*, I'd expect it to be a distinguishing attribute.
For example, in root.xml, under
we have:

<month type="7">Adar</month>
<month type="7" yeartype="leap">Adar II</month>

If yeartype is non-distinguishing, that would lead to two values with the
same element chain, which is forbidden.

Please could someone enlighten me as to whether this is a data problem
(e.g. fixed by adding yeartype to the list of distinguishing attributes) or
a problem with my understanding of distinguishing attributes?

Many thanks,
Jon Skeet
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