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But we have a problem with some program whom get thier data from unicode like "MediaWiki" and "phpBB" they reorder
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<div style="font-family: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); text-align: left;" dir="ltr">
with maybe rendered in some old windows fonts like</div>
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you can try this with wikipedia<br>
<div id="appendonsend"></div>
<hr style="display:inline-block;width:98%" tabindex="-1">
<div id="divRplyFwdMsg" dir="rtl"><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000"><b>من:</b> â€â€Unicode <unicode-bounces@corp.unicode.org> بالنيابة عن Richard Wordingham via Unicode <unicode@corp.unicode.org><br>
<b>â€â€ØªÙ… الإرسال:</b> 18 Ùبراير, 2022 10:48 Ù…<br>
<b>إلى:</b> unicode@corp.unicode.org <unicode@corp.unicode.org><br>
<b>â€â€Ø§Ù„موضوع:</b> Re: Wrong sequence for Arabic ligature marks(FC5E-FC62, FCF2-FCF4)</font>
<div> </div>
<div class="BodyFragment"><font size="2"><span style="font-size:11pt;">
<div class="PlainText">On Fri, 18 Feb 2022 04:44:17 +0000<br>
Saeed Hubaishan via Unicode <unicode@corp.unicode.org> wrote:<br>
> Hi,<br>
> "The Decomposition Type Mapping" of these ligature marks are worng:<br>
> FC5E ‎ﱞ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Dammatan Isolated Form<br>
> ≈ <isolated> 0020 ⣠064C ◌ٌ 0651 ◌ّ<br>
> FC5F ‎ﱟ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasratan Isolated Form<br>
> ≈ <isolated> 0020 ⣠064D ◌٠0651 ◌ّ<br>
> FC60 â€Žï± â€Ž Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Isolated Form<br>
> ≈ <isolated> 0020 ⣠064E ◌َ 0651 ◌ّ<br>
> FC61 ‎ﱡ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Isolated Form<br>
> ≈ <isolated> 0020 ⣠064F ◌٠0651 ◌ّ<br>
> FC62 ‎ﱢ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Isolated Form<br>
> ≈ <isolated> 0020 ⣠0650 ◌٠0651 ◌ّ<br>
> <br>
> FCF2 ‎ﳲ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Medial Form<br>
> ≈ <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 064E ◌َ 0651 ◌ّ<br>
> FCF3 ‎ﳳ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Medial Form<br>
> ≈ <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 064F ◌٠0651 ◌ّ<br>
> FCF4 ‎ﳴ‎ Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Medial Form<br>
> ≈ <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 0650 ◌٠0651 ◌ّ<br>
> Arabic Shadda must be before the marks (064C ◌ٌ ,064D ◌٠, 064E ◌َ ,<br>
> 064F ◌٠, 0650 â—ŒÙ)<br>
But they and shadda have different non-zero canonical combining classes<br>
(ccc), so their order shall intend no difference. Shadda has the higher<br>
ccc, so it comes last. Putting it last makes the decomposition table<br>
easier to use for conversion to form NFKD.<br>