<div dir="ltr"><div>Shall I quote the very standard for which this list was created?</div><div><br></div><div>23.1 Control Codes</div><div><br></div><div>There are 65 code points set aside in the Unicode Standard for compatibility with the C0
and C1 control codes defined in the ISO/IEC 2022 framework. The ranges of these code
points are U+0000..U+001F, U+007F, and U+0080..U+009F, which correspond to the 8-
bit controls 0016 to 1F16 (C0 controls), 7F16 (delete), and 8016 to 9F16 (C1 controls),
respectively. For example, the 8-bit legacy control code character tabulation (or tab) is the
byte value 0916; the Unicode Standard encodes the corresponding control code at U+0009.
The Unicode Standard provides for the intact interchange of these code points, <b><i>neither
adding to nor subtracting from their semantics</i></b>. The semantics of the control codes are
generally <b><i>determined by the application with which they are used</i></b>. However, in the absence
of specific application uses, they <b><i>may be</i></b> interpreted according to the control function
semantics specified in ISO/IEC 6429:1992.
In general, <b><i>the use of control codes constitutes a higher-level protocol and is beyond the
scope of the Unicode Standard</i></b>. For example, the use of ISO/IEC 6429 control sequences
for controlling bidirectional formatting would be a legitimate higher-level protocol layered
on top of the plain text of the Unicode Standard. <b><i>Higher-level protocols are not specified
by the Unicode Standard</i></b>; their existence cannot be assumed without a separate agreement
between the parties interchanging such data. [emphasis mine]<br></div><div><br></div><div>In other words, you can use C0 and C1 controls in any way you want, especially if it's according to another standard such as ISO 6429 or ISO 2022, or even, *gasp* ETSI 300, also known as teletext! Sorry Kent, just like your understanding of our proposal is wrong, so is your understanding of control characters in Unicode.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div></div>