Why does the spelling (capitalization) of decomposition types differ in DerivedDecompositionType.txt from UnicodeData.txt?
Asmus Freytag
asmusf at ix.netcom.com
Tue Feb 18 21:26:52 CST 2025
On 2/18/2025 10:44 AM, Asmus Freytag via Unicode wrote:
> The spellings are equivalent under the naming rules. That's all that
> formally matters. Fixing this now, would break any literal-minded
> parsers for whichever file is changed, while not making a formal
> difference.
> There are enough other idiosyncrasies in the way these files are
> organized, that this one is far from the worst.
> The only rule that matters is that any of the values in
> PropertyValueAliases.txt, when matched without regard to case,
> hyphens, or underscore, matches all the other ones for the same
> property value.
Sorry, badly phased: any string that matches any of the ...
> For character names, spaces also don't count (but there are 2-3 odd
> exceptional names that need to be handled specially).
> A./
> On 2/18/2025 8:04 AM, Phil Smith III via Unicode wrote:
>> This sounds interesting, but with no links or other references is a
>> bit opaque. Can you add more information?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Unicode <unicode-bounces at corp.unicode.org> On Behalf Of
>> prospero via Unicode
>> Sent: Monday, February 17, 2025 3:11 PM
>> To: unicode at corp.unicode.org
>> Subject: Why does the spelling (capitalization) of decomposition
>> types differ in DerivedDecompositionType.txt from UnicodeData.txt?
>> For example, "Nobreak" in DerivedDecompositionType.txt vs "noBreak"
>> in UnicodeData.txt. If the former is derived from the latter,
>> shouldn't the spelling be identical?
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