Question mark

Giacomo Catenazzi cate at
Tue Jun 11 02:24:48 CDT 2024

On 2024-06-10 9:00, Юрий Бэкап via Unicode wrote:
> Hello! I've been wondering about the following question for a long 
> time: how difficult and how feasible is it to add a question mark to 
> the Unicode table that would be identical to the regular question mark 
> but usable in Windows operating systems? Almost all characters 
> prohibited in Windows OS have their equivalents in the Unicode table, 
> allowing the use of characters like "/", "", ":", etc.
> However, there is no proper equivalent for the question mark. All the 
> available options in the table are ugly, unattractive symbols that are 
> inconvenient to use.
I still do not find the document of Microsoft on how to transcode 
characters invalid in Windows but valid in other systems (like `?`), but 
Wikipedia has a good reference on how to solve (on user side) the 
problem, using alternate characters:

The glottal stop ʔ (U+0294), the interrobang ‽ (U+203D), the inverted 
question mark ¿ (U+00BF), the double question mark ⁇ (U+2047), and the 
black question mark ornament❓(U+2753) are allowed in all filenames.

An in an other site I found the full width characters may be used.

In any case, please considere security implications on using any 
workaround (especially if file is shared).


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