does anybody know about these accidentals?

Jim DeLaHunt list+unicode at
Fri Jul 26 02:54:19 CDT 2024

On 2024-07-25 18:15, Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
> …So it sounds like this is a "history of music notation" question, 
> rather than a character encoding question.…
> …Who wants to hear the reply?  If it is, and if 
> the person who knows the answer is not on BlueSky, to whom do they 
> reply? …
> [What is] the question to be passed on to the W3C Music Notation 
> Community Group and the MEI group?…

On 2024-07-26 00:09, Hans Åberg via Unicode wrote:
> …it has been discussed here whether to add the rest of the Smufl characters.…
On 2024-07-26 00:17, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> …Given that there is a new proposal to add more microtonal accidentals
> to Unicode, the main question is whether there should be a single
> character code for 'an accidental that raises a sharp by a quarter
> tone' (and analogous cases) or not.…

On 2024-07-26 00:43, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> …the shown glyph shape is disputable – or not, depending on
> the point of view.  After some thinking I now believe that they
> shouldn't be changed.  However, the description should be improved.…

I am now confused. This thread opened by asking who knew about two music 
notation symbols. I pointed out two internet communities which might 
have people who know about music notation. Because I am subscribed to 
both, I offered to pass on the question as I understood it.  I now no 
longer understand what question to pass on.

I will leave it to the proponents of these proposal(s) to contact those 
communities if they think it will be helpful.

Best regards,
     —Jim DeLaHunt

.   --Jim DeLaHunt,jdlh at  (
       multilingual websites consultant, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
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