Fwd: Re: German sharp S uppercase mapping

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at sdaoden.eu
Mon Dec 16 15:19:12 CST 2024

--- Forwarded from Steffen Nurpmeso <steffen at sdaoden.eu> ---
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 22:18:26 +0100
Author: Steffen Nurpmeso <steffen at sdaoden.eu>
From: Steffen Nurpmeso <steffen at sdaoden.eu>
To: Daphne Preston-Kendal <dpk at nonceword.org>
Subject: Re: German sharp S uppercase mapping
Message-ID: <20241216211826.Dt3h2MaC at steffen%sdaoden.eu>

Daphne Preston-Kendal via Unicode wrote in
 <939AFA07-02CA-4980-B202-6374A3E99F62 at nonceword.org>:
 |On 2 Dec 2024, at 11:19, Marius Spix via Unicode <unicode at corp.unicode.o\
 |rg> wrote:
 |wrong in the first place.[.]

The thing is the reforms of the last republican century went into
the wrong direction.  For example around 1900 there was "Oele sind
ölig", which today looks odd but isn't it a more aesthetic
experience than having an uppercase Umlaut.  Necessarily the dots
above etc scratch at some upper baseline, astronomic.  This is not
a music sheet of Bach (or other opulent classical composer).
There was Kenntniss "Knowledge" as-you-speak which was mutilated
to Kenntnis but remained Kenntnisse in plural for only technical
Thran became Tran, that is surely because the people started using
solely the Tran of Switzerland, Ovomaltine it is, is it, and then
you say "aaaah, beautiful, Tran!!", instead.  Same for Werthe,
which became Werte, which is only understandable if you have no
value left except money, it necessarily must be Werthe in all
other thinkable occasions.  And then really, necessarily there is
not only eszett which is no(t) (longer) sz as the name es-zett
implies (wrongly referred to in Unicode, likely with malicious
anti-german intention), but a dedicated character, and it is
absolutely necessary to provide uppercase font mappings that bring
it all to the top regarding intransparent obviousness, and with
LiberationMono font i know which of ßẞ is, actually, uppercase.
Or make it ſs.  I am fine with that.  It is better than todays
world where so-called academic intellectual elite magazines which
run their text through automatic spell checkers produce more typos
and "hanging in the nowhere" sentences that police allows.
Other than that this is solely a polemic private opinion for sure.
 -- End forward <20241216211826.Dt3h2MaC at steffen%sdaoden.eu>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
|And in Fall, feel "The Dropbear Bard"s ball(s).
|The banded bear
|without a care,
|Banged on himself for e'er and e'er
|Farewell, dear collar bear

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