German sharp S uppercase mapping

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at
Tue Dec 3 16:11:19 CST 2024

Mark E. Shoulson via Unicode wrote in
 <f0dc2ec8-2787-4aba-9ba6-e5ef71e897d3 at>:
 |Thanks.  I freely admit my towering ignorance regarding German 
 |orthography and the history thereof.  Like I said, what I remember is 
 |people using (what I thought was?) this book (whatever its origin) as 
 |proof that there was no ẞ, and yet it had it on its cover.

But no, *i* find this funny!
Ie in many, especially cultural aspects the DDR was more like
"original" Germany, and if you look at the history of Germanist
discussions, i quoted one from Wikipedia in one of the first of my
too many posts, then isn't it funny to scream on the front page
"but hey, have a look, *here it is*!", while at the same time
being all-correct and submissive on the lengthy inside?  (Despite
that politicized Wikipedia shit which talks on niche details.)

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
|And in Fall, feel "The Dropbear Bard"s ball(s).
|The banded bear
|without a care,
|Banged on himself for e'er and e'er
|Farewell, dear collar bear

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