German sharp S uppercase mapping

Asmus Freytag asmusf at
Mon Dec 2 19:32:51 CST 2024

On 12/2/2024 5:07 PM, Mark E. Shoulson via Unicode wrote:
> I remember when the debate about adding ẞ was ongoing here on this 
> list. There were lots of old fonts shown which had a distinct 
> uppercase ß.  I remember that some insisted there was no such letter, 
> pointing to the pronouncements of the then-current Große Duden, which 
> said that ß capitalizes to SS, and yet the cover of *that very book*, 
> in all-capital letters an inch high, clearly showed its title as DER 
> We can find the discussion in the list archives somewhere. Suffice to 
> say, ẞ does seem to be a real thing and seems to have been so even 
> before it was recognized.
> ~mark
Some of us remember those discussions.

And the evidence introduced at the time.

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