German sharp S uppercase mapping
Steffen Nurpmeso
steffen at
Mon Dec 2 16:37:15 CST 2024
Daniel Buncic via Unicode wrote in
<29eb72a3-1578-4eaf-8495-b5015a209397 at>:
|Am 02.12.2024 um 21:06 schrieb Steffen Nurpmeso via Unicode:
|> Not surprising but tradition. Please let me attach a colourized
|> photographie of Köln from when Germany still had an emperor, with
|> hand painted plaques, and on the plaque of the ferry (beside the
|> ponton bridge) one can read "Ueberfahrt nach Köln". (A bit size
|> reduced but readable.)
|A very nice photograph. However, the case with “Ueberfahrt” is a
|completely different one. That has to do with the fact that in old
|letterpress printing there was no space for diacritics above capitals.
|This is why Ü had to be replaced with Ue, just like a) in Czech until
|the 19th century, Cz was written instead of Č, Sſ instead of Š, etc., b)
|Polish Ż was often simply written as Z without the dot or replaced with
|Ƶ, which is still often written in handwriting, c) there is an official
|rule in French orthography to this day that you do not have to place
|accent marks on capitals, which means that you can choose between “Etat”
|and “État”, d) Greek diacritics are placed before capitals, e.g. Άθως
|for the mountain Athos (where Áθως would simply be wrong), e) in Italian
|you can often see things like CAFFE’ instead of CAFFÈ, etc. But Köln,
|with a small ö, is spelled “Köln” on the same sign; there was no reason
Ok. Interesting discourse, thanks.
|for “Koeln”. The modern examples I gave are different, they have
|“Koeln” or even “koeln” for completely different reasons. And these
|reasons are the same as for writing ss instead of ß in many similar
|cases; that’s why I brought them up.
|> And yes, it gets more schizophrenic now you can use this letter but
|> have to write aufwändiger Missstand instead of aufwendiger Mißstand.
|I don’t think we have to discuss the spelling reform of 1998 here...
Now as a conservative person i want to point to that photo of
Frankfurt/Main, where it is uppercase STRASSE, and i for one am
not keen to use an uppercase ß, however nice it is integrated into
german keyboard layout aka ẞ.
|Best wishes,
|Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
|And in Fall, feel "The Dropbear Bard"s ball(s).
|The banded bear
|without a care,
|Banged on himself for e'er and e'er
|Farewell, dear collar bear
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