German sharp S uppercase mapping

Daniel Buncic daniel.buncic at
Mon Dec 2 15:29:27 CST 2024

Am 02.12.2024 um 21:06 schrieb Steffen Nurpmeso via Unicode:
> Not surprising but tradition. Please let me attach a colourized
> photographie of Köln from when Germany still had an emperor, with
> hand painted plaques, and on the plaque of the ferry (beside the
> ponton bridge) one can read "Ueberfahrt nach Köln".  (A bit size
> reduced but readable.)

A very nice photograph.  However, the case with “Ueberfahrt” is a 
completely different one.  That has to do with the fact that in old 
letterpress printing there was no space for diacritics above capitals. 
This is why Ü had to be replaced with Ue, just like a) in Czech until 
the 19th century, Cz was written instead of Č, Sſ instead of Š, etc., b) 
Polish Ż was often simply written as Z without the dot or replaced with 
Ƶ, which is still often written in handwriting, c) there is an official 
rule in French orthography to this day that you do not have to place 
accent marks on capitals, which means that you can choose between “Etat” 
and “État”, d) Greek diacritics are placed before capitals, e.g. Άθως 
for the mountain Athos (where Áθως would simply be wrong), e) in Italian 
you can often see things like CAFFE’ instead of CAFFÈ, etc.  But Köln, 
with a small ö, is spelled “Köln” on the same sign; there was no reason 
for “Koeln”.  The modern examples I gave are different, they have 
“Koeln” or even “koeln” for completely different reasons.  And these 
reasons are the same as for writing ss instead of ß in many similar 
cases; that’s why I brought them up.

> And yes, it gets more schizophrenic now you can use this letter but
> have to write aufwändiger Missstand instead of aufwendiger Mißstand.

I don’t think we have to discuss the spelling reform of 1998 here...

Best wishes,


Prof. Dr. Daniel Bunčić
Slavisches Institut der Universität zu Köln
Weyertal 137, D-50931 Köln
Telefon:       +49 (0)221  470-90535
E-Mail:        daniel.buncic at = daniel at

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