Have Characters that Depict Electronic Components been Discussed?

Martin Vahi martin.vahi at softf1.com
Tue Aug 13 15:04:28 CDT 2024

Dear readers of this list,

I know that there is literally a shit emoji character, but when I tried
to find characters for electronic components like diodes, capacitors,
resistors, radio lamps, etc. then I failed to find any. The same with
XOR gate, OR gate, AND gate, MUX, DEMUX, etc.

Even ASCII had special characters for drawing the DOS era windows in
console, so a wish for some characters that at least in some combined
manner would allow to draw electrical schematics in console windows
does not look too extreme to me. Some reference to some mail archive,
where that topic has been discussed in the past, would be helpful.

As a side-note, some modern era Linux terminals allow to display
graphics, even videos, in pixel analogues called sixels.
I even have a YouTube demo video about that:

     ("2022 06 17 images and videos on WSL Linux Terminal", 2023_03_08)

Thank You for reading my letter and
thank You for the answer(s).

Yours sincerely,
Martin.Vahi at softf1.com

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