Missing "(Heavy)EQUAL SIGN-Emoji"

142857 at mail.de 142857 at mail.de
Sun Mar 19 04:18:02 CDT 2023

Dear Unicode Consortium Team,

We would like to report a missing emoji in the current Unicode standard, which we believe would be of great value to the mathematical and scientific community. The missing emoji is the "Heavy equal sign-Emoji" (=).  (➕, ➖, ✖, ➗) 

We propose that this emoji be added to the Unicode standard as soon as possible, and we suggest that it be named "Heavy EQUAL SIGN" to accurately reflect its function. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


"Collaboratively created by ChatGPT and LX"

I am Lx(Alex, from Germany - now without chatGPT;-) and new to that mailing-list System/whole unicode-plattform.
I am here because someone has to say it: 
I miss that = in equal size to the operators(functions, signs) since years - now I can tell it to you.
Thank you all for good work, I'll read more about the project and mailinglist.
I Hope the "shape" is okay - not to long/short.
Have a good time 
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