Wrong sequence for Arabic ligature marks(FC5E-FC62, FCF2-FCF4)

Saeed Hubaishan hubaishan at outlook.sa
Thu Feb 17 22:44:17 CST 2022

"The Decomposition Type Mapping"  of these ligature marks are worng:
FC5E     ‎ﱞ‎    Arabic Ligature Shadda With Dammatan Isolated Form
                ≈       <isolated> 0020 ␣ 064C ◌ٌ 0651 ◌ّ
FC5F     ‎ﱟ‎    Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasratan Isolated Form
                ≈       <isolated> 0020 ␣ 064D ◌ٍ 0651 ◌ّ
FC60     ‎ﱠ‎    Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Isolated Form
                ≈       <isolated> 0020 ␣ 064E ◌َ 0651 ◌ّ
FC61     ‎ﱡ‎    Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Isolated Form
                ≈       <isolated> 0020 ␣ 064F ◌ُ 0651 ◌ّ
FC62     ‎ﱢ‎    Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Isolated Form
                ≈       <isolated> 0020 ␣ 0650 ◌ِ 0651 ◌ّ

FCF2     ‎ﳲ‎    Arabic Ligature Shadda With Fatha Medial Form
                ≈       <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 064E ◌َ 0651 ◌ّ
FCF3     ‎ﳳ‎    Arabic Ligature Shadda With Damma Medial Form
                ≈       <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 064F ◌ُ 0651 ◌ّ
FCF4     ‎ﳴ‎    Arabic Ligature Shadda With Kasra Medial Form
                ≈       <medial> 0640 ‎ـ‎ 0650 ◌ِ 0651 ◌ّ
Arabic Shadda must be before the marks (064C ◌ٌ ,064D ◌ٍ , 064E ◌َ , 064F ◌ُ ,  0650 ◌ِ)

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