Jawi's Hamzah Three-Quarters: Providing more context and point of views
Lim Jia Ming
jiaminglimjm at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 14:43:26 CDT 2022
Replying to document: [L2/22-068] Recommendations to UTC #171 April 2022
on Script Proposals (III) Arabic (4c) High Hamza
I would like to sincerely thank the SAH and the UTC for having seriously
considered the handling of Jawi's Hamzah situation. I am here just to
provide more context and points of view that has not yet been given
about the usage of this character.
The first point I would like to establish is the distinction of Hamzah
Tiga Suku (Hamzah Three-Quarters; HTQ) as a complete definition in
contrast to descriptions of a slightly higher hamza. Even though in
practice it is basically that, a roughly shifted up hamza, it is in
principle its own precise and unique concept that cannot be replaced by
the description 'High Hamza'. This is taught in schools and is widely
recognised by users of the Jawi script.[note1] Although I do recognize
that other similar characters in other languages have been merged to the
same codepoint, I believe that HTQ deserves to have its Three-Quarter
concept annotated in the Unicode standard at the very least, and that if
it were to be added as a codepoint to be named something like ARABIC
Something important to note is that there is an ongoing movement to
simply stop using Hamzah Three-Quarters (HTQ) in favour of the U+0621
Arabic Hamza. It began in July 2019 during a live radio session citing
Unicode limitations as one of its reasons.[ref1] However, since the
addition of HTQ as U+0674 High Hamza in the Unicode 14.0 standard, the
argument has shifted to "it was never part of the original Arabic
script, so why must we use it?". Some of us youngsters reject this
argument for it having overly-Arabization sentiments. But to their
credit, in practice, HTQ and Arabic letter Hamza really do look similar
enough to the point that the latter is an effective replacement for the
former (for the promotion of the Jawi script overall), despite it being
the rarer form of Hamzah. Also, it should be noted that HTQ is by far
the most common form of Hamzah in Jawi, such that its absence in common
usage is achingly noticeable, with the other forms of Hamza mostly only
found in loanwords or when combining prefixes to roots.[note2]
The campaign for the eradication of HTQ has been quite successful,
evidenced by the most popular Jawi twitter account @koleksijawi (created
in January 2021) posting images with custom Jawi fonts,[ref2] and
popular book Nirnama by Hilal Asyraf,[ref3] using only the Arabic Hamza
instead of the HTQ.[note3] This also explains why there have been very
few attempts to implement U+0674 High Hamza as HTQ even after the
Unicode 14.0 standard came out: it is much easier to use Arabic Hamza
than to support U+0647 High Hamza. The reason being that the former has
been advocated by experts, and that the latter is unlikely to gain
language tag support in mainstream platforms and messaging apps (via
auto-detection of language?) in any reasonable amount of time, if ever.
In conclusion, Arabic letter Hamza will continue to be the default
'fallback' without a counter-movement to preserve Hamzah Three-Quarters.
The fact is that the Kazakh version of U+0674 High Hamza looks too
different and no one will use it unless it fully works on all their
platforms. Though we do realize that similar problems exist with the
addition of its own codepoint, the difference is that it would have its
own rightful name without the need of specifying language. This explains
why some of us are so keen on HTQ having its own codepoint, because in
name it would recognize the uniqueness of the HTQ and boost an
opportunity to promote its usage properly. Therefore, I urge the SAH
group to reconsider the consensus built around what to do with HTQ and I
hope that it will get its own codepoint.
Thank you very much for reading, we patiently await your feedback.
Best regards,
Jia Ming.
[L2/22-068] https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2022/22068-script-adhoc-rept.pdf
[ref1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLPTDng1XcE (in Malay with
English subtitles)
[ref2] https://twitter.com/koleksijawi/status/1502795097053679619 (one
example of many)
[ref3] https://twitter.com/No_RuLesz/status/1459435348598030341 (Jawi
version, published in 2021)
[note1] Hamzah Three-Quarters continues to be in school textbooks and
has not been replaced with Arabic letter Hamza (yet?)
[note2] Hamzah Three-Quarters is more common by up to several orders of
magnitude in terms of occurrences as dictionary entries, though not
necessarily so in the wild as that has not yet been properly analysed
[note3] Recently, several shops with new signboards in Kelantan appear
to be adopting the Arabic Hamza as well, instead of HTQ
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