AW: Breaking barriers

Doug Ewell doug at
Sun Oct 24 00:04:30 CDT 2021

Asmus Freytag wrote:

> Your argument that humans can't get translations correct or make them
> unambiguous should lead you to the conclusion that this lowers the bar
> for AI translation.

"Can't get translations correct or make them unambiguous 100% of the time, in every situation" would be a more accurate summary of my argument. But yes, that does lower the bar a little for machine translation.

> But that's OK. We may stipulate that the highest achievable quality
> can only approach 100% but must fall short.


> I've seen examples where the switched "left" and "right". A very human
> mistake, but then, current AIs will get "he" and "she" wrong at times.

As will some native speakers of Mandarin. (他 (he), 她 (she), and 它 (it) are all pronounced "tā" in Mandarin, which blurs the distinction between these three pronouns when they switch to English.)

Doug Ewell, CC, ALB | Lakewood, CO, US |


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