[EXTERNAL] Re: New CJK characters

Andrew Glass Andrew.Glass at microsoft.com
Fri Nov 5 12:02:20 CDT 2021

We use control characters for Egyptian because it is possible and preferable to do so. The elements of the writing system are the encoded logographic and phonetic signs. The signs are arranged spatially to take advantage of available space. The blocks of writing can represent polysyllabic sequences or even multiple words. Thus, these blocks are quite different from CJK. Cataloguing attested blocks to encode them atomically would never be complete and would result in a massive number of combinations. It is important to the user community (mainly scholars) to be able to enter texts that are newly discovered, and therefore, would contain previously unattested blocks. So, rendering of arbitrary blocks is a requirement, hence the use of control characters to define the spatial relationships.


From: Unicode <unicode-bounces at corp.unicode.org> on behalf of abrahamgross--- via Unicode <unicode at corp.unicode.org>
Sent: Friday, November 5, 2021 1:25 PM
To: unicode at corp.unicode.org <unicode at corp.unicode.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: New CJK characters

Looking at TUS ยง11.4 Egyptian Hieroglyphs you can see that there they decided to yes use control characters to shape complex characters.
Anyone know why that is?
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